Radio producer Ally has just been replaced. Her radio star ex-boyfriend has replaced her with a younger and thinner model in his bed and on his show.
Charlie has been hired to helm the 2am show and since he's not really there to deejay, he's perfectly fine with having hardly any listeners. But since Ally has been assigned as his producer, he has to work extra hard to keep her from making him a star, and to keep his hands off of her.
This was a somewhat enjoyable beach type read (sadly, I was not actually at the beach). But I didn't find the relationship to be as complex or as enjoyable as the one in Crusie's Bet Me. But I believe Charlie All Night was originally published as a Harlequin. And yes, I'm totally judging.
So not judging. I have a list of chick lit to check off come vacay time in July.
P.S. totally devouring True Blood Season 1 on DVD this week. When I finish my current book, I'm going to start reading the series.
I love the show and the books, but they're fairly different. I prefer literary Sookie over HBO Sookie.
But Eric is awesome in either format.
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