May 02, 2006

Everybody's got an opinion.

Just today I have been called "demanding" and then "relentless" by two different people. Of the two, I'd have to say, I prefer "demanding". It makes me sound charmingly high maintenance instead of psycho. I've been told there's no such thing as charmingly high maintenance. But I beg to differ. Hello? I'm right here.


Anonymous said...

Aww... don't let Danbo and Rob get to you... I'm still your friend, even if you're out of control.

Queen Kandis said...

Ha! It actually wasn't either of them, but thanks for reminding of all the other people who think I'm either demanding or relentless.

Anonymous said...

Well, the source may matter. I wouldn't say you were demanding. But then, I don't work with you...anymore. Consciencious might be a better, safer word.

Queen Kandis said...

The worst part about the "demanding" and "relentless" opinions was that they were voiced by friends, not coworkers.